Thursday 28 October 2010

The Blessings of Marriage

I have recently received two lovely little books - The Blessings Book and The Blessings Book of Marriage.

These are both pretty little hardbacked books. The Blessings Book is currently £7.99 and the Marriage one is £8.99 from the website at

The idea is that each book has lots of beautiful sepia pictures together with plenty of spaces for you to write down all the little things that make you happy on a day to day basis. Maybe someone pays you a compliment or maybe your husband buys you flowers - you can write down what happened together with how it made you feel at the time. Then, when you feel down, you can read through your book and remember those happy feelings to cheer yourself up!

This would make a lovely and unusual Christmas present for someone. I have also noticed on the website that they also do a Blessings Book of Baby Blessings which at £8.99 would make a unique present for the new arrival.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Photos of yourself.....

If you're like me, you hate photos of yourself!  And on Tuesday, where am I off to?  yep a photoshoot, I predict I shall hate every minute!  But have to grit my teeth and bare it, as its for work and I cannot wriggle out!

The photograph above is one of my favourite photos of me, I'm in Gran Canaria on holiday, and we saw these Fuel for Life advertising hoarding, so me and my friend mimmicked the models on there.  We laughed and were maybe a little bit tispy.... but I think the photo just shows fun and laughter.

Let's hope Tuesday I can recreate the fun! 

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Little Red Riding Hood - a Wolf's Eye View

It's storytime on the blog..... enjoy...

Looking through the trees I can spot a small girl, she’s skipping and singing too. The basket in her arms looks full, maybe there is food in there? She looks a happy child, one of those well fed, rosy cheeked sorts. The singing is nice, it’s soothing my aching head.

The loud grumble of my stomach reminds me how long it’s been since I’ve eaten.

Life here used to be good, yes prince of the forest that was me! Then they started cutting down the trees, people moved in and now I my once shiny coat is scarce, bald bits litter my back and the once sharp glint in my eyes is all but gone.

You see once the trees are cut away my tasty morsels also leave the forest, like the squirrel family from the proud oak tree down the path, they kept breeding each year and springtime would be like a fast food restaurant amongst the weighted branches.

I’m now forced to live on a less nutrient rich fast food diet. I pull dis-guarded McDonalds from dustbins with lids weighted down with bricks, as if that would stop me? And on Saturday nights I can lie in wait by The Kebab Stop, where I risk being seen by humans as I leap from shadow to shadow hoping to gain the prize, a half eaten kebab, no chilli sauce if possible…

“Grandma, Grandma!!!!!” the child’s voice snaps me back into reality and back to my quest, I need proper food. As this adorable child dressed in red skips ever closer to the little forest house, I sneak round and in through the back door, now what can I do with this helpless old lady………….

Sunday 3 October 2010

24 hours later...

The TRIA has been well and truly tested and so far I love it, it is well easy to use.

I've done both legs, my bikini line and under my arms too.  Firstly remembering to shower, shave and try myself thoroughly.  Hubby walked into the bedroom as I was doing my bikini line and wondered what on earth I was up to, as the TRIA is an odd looking contraption, and I was standing, legs akimbo with it aimed at my bits and pieces!!

There's no pain, not even any discomfort to be honest.  Even under my arms where it could be sensitive. 

So, now we need to wait two weeks.  I can shave in between times but no waxing, plucking or Veeting.  The hair follicles need time to go through their normal growing cycles so TRIA can catch them at the right time.

I don't know yet whether its working, I am assuming that it is, apparently hairs will begin to fall out in about 10 days or so. 

So far, 10/10 for the TRIA, but check back in two weeks for the next installment and update....
