Friday 11 June 2010

Happy Father's Day Dad

Our dad died in July 2005, so this time of year is always difficult for both me and my sister.  Our usual plan is to avoid card shops, but now I've met my partner it's a little more difficult.... as we both need to enter card shops to look for birthday cards, as my 'new step-little one' has his birthday in June - plus he's too young for Father's Day card shopping alone just yet, so I have to go and help out.

It's hard.

I thought I'd put together some nice photos to mark the occasion this year and to say Happy Father's Day for next week dad. 
Wedding Day on December 4th
Holidaying by the sea, dad always made the best sandcastles and dams to block the sea and make pools, even when he was a pensioner he still loved the beach.
Again on the beach - at Whistling Sands, always smiling !
This is me learning to be a golf pro....that never really happened - but we alwyas loved the crazy golf, I think mum used to sit and do her knitting and watch...

I hope you're enjoyed my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. He was the best wasn't he? I can still see that trademark wink.
