I've been sent some Homedics bathroom scales to try. We like them.....hubby likes them a lot - cos not only do they say he's slightly lighter than our old bathroom scales (so they had a brownie point from day one!) but they are a gadget too.
All men love gadgets don't they? The Homedics Scales are not exception - usually weighing, sighing, trying to stretch jeans to fit then more weighing is strictly my domain - but now there is a gadget in the bathroom....
It quietly calls all the men of the household....'try me, try me' in soft alluring tones.
So try they have. Hubby is now trying to diet and Little One is seeing how much he can eat to make the scales change. It's only a matter of time before he sees through my tissue of lies - that eating cabbage, broccoli or sprouts will make the scales change more.... but it's all good so far.

The scales cost £74.99 and as you can see from the photo have rather a Wii look about them. We like the glass look top and chrome styling. Although the chrome (which you have to stand on to get the scales to do all the gadgety stuff) is really rather chilly of a morning!!! A heated set would be nice! :-)
So what do they do for seventy-five pounds? Well, they measure your weight, as you would expect, but also - BMR, BMI, muscle, fat, water. It's really very interesting! You become a little diet obsessed - for instance, last nights BBQ made my water content dip and my fat content rise....you do find your self taking note of what you eat and looking at the graphs to see what effect it had - which really can only be a good thing!
You can add in up to 6 users, each of which are passworded - so if you don't want the whole family knowing you've raided the sweetie jar, you can always lock them out with a password!
It was easy to set up and begin using straight away - although we have 'lost' user one - for some reason!! It just closes down the application, some sort of bug in that one we can't get rid of - but we just ignore user one and it happily gets weighing and telling us all our info...The scales come with a memory stick, shown below, which you connect to a USB port on the scales - then connect to your laptop...for instant graph gratification! For anyone who loves stats and graphs its the dream gadget!
I'll post how the diet is going in a few weeks.... so far my weight is hovering around 10st 8lbs but swaps up and down 2 or 3 pounds on a daily basis, hourly basis sometimes .....
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